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529 Lake Breeze Drive
Farragut, Tennessee 37922?-?
voice (865) 777-0865
toll free in Canada and USA (800) ULTIMAX
Experienced with basic manufacturing machinery and processes including vertical or horizontal milling machine, horizontal lathes, CNC and manual milling machines, pneumatic and hydraulic presses, brakes, and shears, arc and contact welders, numerous hand tools for metalworking, and tailoring/sewing tools.
Proficient with numerous office automation tools including desktop publishing, accounting, database management, computer graphics, Website design, video/multimedia production and CD-ROM manufacturing.
USSR State Engineering Examination Approval: February 1983
MACHINE KINETICS CORPORATION, Knoxville, Tennessee Apr 94-Jul 99
Senior Design Engineer
Full-time engineering and design work for Department of Energy (DoE) subcontractor based on Pro/Engineer 3-D parametric CAD system. Included contract work with ORNL for the Toroidal Physics Experiment (TPX) at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Numerous designs of customized automation for regional factories, up to US$250K each. Interfaced with customers to deliver machines on time and on budget.
THE ULTIMAX GROUP, INC.; Oak Ridge, Tennessee Apr 93-present
Founding Member
Organized Russian-American trading company, "Double Eagle Enterprises", to import Russian vodka, architectural stone, and multimedia. Published, manufactured, marketed, and distributed 40th Sputnik Anniversary Soviet Space Program CD-ROM in North America. Managed project with 6 Americans & 3 Russians in 4 cities on 2 continents across 11 time zones.
Design/layout of secure optoelectronic authentication device (patent pending).
OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY (O.R.N.L.), Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA Apr 91-Apr 94
Experimental Design Engineer
My participation in this experiment led to first a four-month, and then a long-term assignment, via a cooperative scientific exchange program between ITEP and ORNL through the University of Tennessee (UT), Knoxville.
In 1991 I became actively involved in the development of a proposed new detector for the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory in Dallas, Texas, USA. The L* Detector, was also led by Dr. Ting and again ITEP was a lead physics institute.
After learning AutoCAD at ITEP in Moscow I was able to work full-time on this system from the beginning of my assignment in the US. Specific designs for which I was responsible included the machine and manufacturing details for 240 liquid sealed containers holding a total of 1500 tons of iron and copper. Layout and detail configuration drawings, in three dimensions, of a crystal matrix array. This array included a thin walled carbon composite structure, photomultipliers and prisms.
With the introduction of Intergraph EMS at ORNL and the SSCL in 1992 I began to full time 3D modeling, design of Hadron Calorimeter, Liquid Calorimeter, Forward Calorimeter and Central Detector Support to evaluate and optimize designs, assembly procedures and sequences. This included 3D-modeling of the Calorimeter piping, pumping and cabling layouts for which the Intergraph EMS system was able to provide a critical input leading to significant design changes in the overall system. Also designed robotics for the remote operation of nuclear reactors and tokomaks. I have continued to expand my computer based engineering skills by learning the parameter based Pro-ENGINEER design system. This system has enabled me to perform finite element and systems analysis with the same system used to perform the basic mechanical design.
Experimental Design Engineer
Participated in the design of components for the L3 subatomic particle detector for the Centre Europˇen pour le Recherchˇ Nuclˇaire (CERN) Laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland was the focus of my career at ITEP. The leader of this experiment is the Nobel Laureate Dr. S. C. C. Ting; ITEP is a lead collaborating institute. I developed and managed the fabrication of several devices for the large scale production of 5600 gas tight chambers. Typical of this work was a shuttle device which was used to successfully install over 260,000 wires in a period of two years. In addition, I designed measuring equipment for the manufacture of 15,000 uranium plates weighing a total of 300 tons, which again required a special interface with MinSredMash. I actively participated in the installation, start-up and use of the production equipment for both the muon chambers and the calorimeter. Both systems were delivered ahead of schedule from ITEP to CERN, both were installed on schedule and are continuing to perform successfully.
Other experimental systems for which I have provided designs are utility stanchions for the 400 MeV atomic particle collider at ITEP and the experimental parallel plate chambers (PPC) for the detection of muons.
P.V.O. STRANY (Air Defense Branch), Soviet Army Sep 83-Oct 85
Senior Lieutenant
Military service in Soviet Army as engineering officer.
MINISTRY OF MEDIUM MACHINE BUILDING (MinSredMash), Moscow, USSR/Russia Mar 83-Aug 83
Cryogenics Design Engineer
Designed three different models of microcryogenic devices for cooling infrared (IR) sensors on prototype surface to air missiles (SAM). Designed test instrumentation, conducted operational tests, and analyzed data from same.
"OR's Ultimax operates worldwide business", The Oak Ridger, p.1, Oak Ridge, TN, 12 November 1998.
For product or dealer inquiries within the USA & Canada, call:
West Coast: (888) ULTIMAX
East Coast: (800) ULTIMAX
Outside USA: +1 (865) 483-7097 -- note area code has changed from (423)
or send us a fax: +1 (865) 483-6317 -- note area code has changed from (423)
or write to us:
The Ultimax Group, Inc.
112 Mason Lane
Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA 37830-8631
or send email to pub#ultimax_com
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These pages last updated July 29, 2003
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