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A surprising number of these serious expressions for law, letters, logic, science, philosophy, medicine are still used today. You will notice that the pithiest phrases that impart important lessons in life often rhyme or rely on alliteration, which is why they have passed often unchanged into English. Most of these expressions date from the Classical period, hence I use classical orthography as you would see it inscribed on architraves or written in scrolls, not the later Vulgate form used in the Middle Ages.
Latin has no articles (a, an, the), however I've inserted them to clarify meaning. Latin has no "K", "J" or "W". "U" is rendered as "V", and pronounced like "w". Classical Latin had neither lower case nor punctuation.
Words in square brackets [] are implied but generally not written in the original Latin phrase; it is especially common to omit the verb "to be" and personal pronouns when they're the subject. The symbolic shorthand of an highly inflected language is second-nature to Russians, but difficult for native English speakers to grasp.
English words in single quotes '' are not exact translations of the Latin but do express the same idea exactly, therefore these translations may be used verbatim.
When you use Latin in writing today, the words should be rendered in Italics.
Classical Latin | Literal English | Idiomatic English | Annotations |
AB AETERNO | from eternity | from the beginning of time no date established it has always been this way |
AB ASINO LANAM | wool from an ass | blood from a stone impossible |
AB VRBE CONDITA | from the founding of the city | abbreviated A.U.C., specifically used for Roman dates, reckoned from the founding of that city in 753 BCE | |
A CAPPELLA | in church [style] | i.e. vocal music only | |
ACTA NON VERBA | actions not words | motto of U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at King's Point | |
ACTVS REVS | wrongful act | as opposed to mens rea - the wrongful intention or guilty mind | |
AD ASTRA PER ASPERA | to the stars through difficulties | motto of The National Space Society | |
AD CALENDAS GRAECAS | at the Greek calends | never | because the Greek did not reckon time with calends |
AD HOC | to this | for a particular purpose spur of the moment |
AD INFINITVM | to infinity | without end | |
AD LIBITVM | to pleasure | perform without a plan freely |
nowadays used in short form ad lib |
AD MAIOREM DEI GLORIAM | for the greater glory of God | ||
AD NAVSEVM | to [the point of] disgust | ||
ADVOCATVS DIABOLI | devil's advocate | nowadays, a person who takes the unpopular side of an argument | |
ALEA IACTA EST | the die is cast | there's no going back what's next is in the hands of the gods |
irreversible act |
ALMA MATER | fostering mother | one's old school | |
AMICVS CVRIAE | friend of the court | person not party to the case who submits material of probitive value | |
AMOR VINCIT OMNIA | love conquers all | ||
ANNO DOMINI | year of the Lord | abbreviated A.D. | |
ANNVIT COEPTIS | [He] has favored [our] undertaking | divine favor | motto above the pyramid on the back of the U.S. dollar |
ANNVS MIRABILIS | wonderful year | not just any good year, but a momentous year in history such as 1848, 1968, or 1989 | |
ANNVS TERRIBILIS | terrible year | just the opposite of above, an especially rotten year such as 1346, 1914, or 2001 | |
A POSTERIORI | from what comes after | inductive reasoning based on observation, as opposed to deductive, or a priori | |
AQVA VITAE | water of life | akvavit in general, distilled spirits |
see parallel Gaelic uiskabagh, "water of life", i.e. whiskey |
ARS GRATIA ARTIS | art for art's sake | statement that art needs no external justification, as opposed to commercial art | |
ARS LONGA, VITA BREVIS | art is long [while] life is short | art lasts forever | while affairs of the moment are forgotten |
AVREA MEDIOCRITAS | the golden mean | moderation in all things | truth and goodness are generally to be found in the middle, not the extremes |
AVE ATQVE VALE | hail and farewell | ||
BONA FIDE | in good faith | ||
CAMERA OBSCVRA | hidden room | an early photographic or painting technique utilizing optical pinholes | |
CARPE DIEM | seize the day | eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die | |
CARTAGO DELENDA EST | Carthage must be destroyed | ||
CASVS BELLI | occasion of war | the act which starts a war | |
CAVEAT EMPTOR | let the buyer beware | ||
CAVEAT VENDOR | let the seller beware | modern counter-principle of above | |
CAVE QVID DICIS, QVANDO ET CVI | beware what you say, when and to whom | ||
CETERIS PARIBVS | other things being equal | ||
CIRCA | about, approximately |
abbreviated c or ca. | |
CAELVM NON ANIMVM MVTANT QVI TRANS MARE CVRRVNT | those who cross the sea [only] change the sky, not their spirits | no matter how far you go, you always take yourself with you | |
COGITO ERGO SVM | I think therefore I am | fundamental axiom by Descartes in XVIII, not Roman | |
CORPVS DELICTI | the body of the crime | tangible evidence of wrongdoing, the smoking gun | as opposed to mere circumstances or indications |
CREDO QVIA ABSVRDVM | I believe it [because] it's absurd | this sentiment would translate very well into Russian | |
CVI BONO | for whom [is it] good? | to find the criminal, first learn who profited from the crime | |
CVM GRANO SALIS | [take] with a grain of salt | be skeptical | |
CVM TACENT CLAMANT | when they are silent, they cry out | silence is an admission of guilt | |
CVNCTANDO REGITUR MUNDIS | waiting, one rules the world | waiting, one conquers all | |
CVRAE LEVES LOQVVNTVR INGENTES STVPENT | lesser griefs talk, great ones are speechless | in for a penny, in for a pound; might as well be hung for a sheep instead of a lamb; leave no witnesses |
as Machiavelli said, And let it here be noted that men are either to be kindly treated, or utterly crushed, since they can revenge lighter injuries, but not graver. Wherefore the injury we do to a man should be of a sort to leave no fear of reprisals |
CVRRICVLVM VITAE | the course of [one's] life | a resume | |
DAMNANT QVOD NON INTELLIGVNT | they condemn what they do not understand | ||
DE ASINI VMBRA DISCEPTARE | to argue about the shadow of an ass | petty things for petty minds | |
DE FACTO | from the fact | in reality actually in power |
as opposed to... |
DE IVRE | from the law | legal | but not real or not in power |
DE GVSTIBVS NON DISPVTANDVM EST | in [matters] of taste, there's no argument | ||
DE MORTVIS NIL NISI BONVM | of the dead, [say] nothing but good | never speak ill of the dead | |
DE NIHILO NIHIL | nothing from nothing | also, ex nihilo nihil fit you can't create something from nothing | |
DE PROFVNDIS | out of the depths [of sorrow and despair] | ||
DE RERVM NATVRA | on the nature of things | title of Marcus Aurelius's magnum opus | |
DEO GRATIS | thanks be to God | ||
DEUS VOLENT | [as] God wills | ||
DEVS EX MACHINA | god from the machine | a contrived plot device, usually a sign of bad writing or bad thinking | |
DRAMATIS PERSONAE | persons of the drama | cast of characters | |
DVM SPIRO SPERO | while [there's] life, [there's] hope | ||
DVM VIVIMVS VIVAMVS | while we live let us live | Epicurean motto | |
DVRA LEX SED LEX | hard [is the] law but [it's the] law | ||
E PLVRIBVS VNVM | out of many, one | motto on the US dollar | |
ECCE HOMO | behold the man | words first spoken by Pontius Pilate when he showed Jesus crowned by thorns to the mob | |
ENSE ET ARATRO | with sword and plow | citizen-soldier, one who serves in war and peace | |
ERRARE HVMANVM EST | to err is human | the second half of the phrase is "to forgive, divine" | |
ET CETERA | and others | abbreviated etc. | |
ET TV BRVTE | you also Brutus | Caesar's dying recognition of betrayal | |
EX CATHEDRA | from the chair | from high authority infallible |
EX PEDE HERCVLEM | from the foot of Hercules | one can judge the whole from a sample | |
EX POST FACTO | from what is done afterwards | after the fact, or retroactive | one form of logical fallacy |
EXCEPTIO PROBAT REGVLAM | the exception establishes the rule | not that all rules must have exceptions, but that exceptions help define rules better | |
EXEMPLI GRATIA | by way of example | abbreviated e.g. | |
EXTINCTVS AMABITVR IDEM | the same [hated] man will be loved after he's dead | how quickly we forget | |
FABAS INDVLCET FAMES | hunger sweetens beans | hunger is the best seasoning | |
FACILIS DESCENSVS AVERNO | the descent to Avernus (Hell) [is] easy | it's easy to fall, hard to rise | |
FELIS QVI NIHIL DEBET | happy [is] he who owes nothing | ||
FIAT LVX | let there be light | Biblical | |
FIAT VOLVNTAS TVA | let Thy will [be done] | Biblical | |
FIDES PVNICA | Punic [Carthaginian] faith | i.e. a double cross | |
FINEM RESPICE | look to the end [before setting forth] | ||
FLAGRANTE DELICTO | with the crime blazing | caught in the act | |
FORTES FORTVNA FORTIBVS | fortune favors the brave | you make your own luck | |
FORTITER IN RE, SVAVITER IN MODE | resolutely in the thing [deed], gently in manner | do what is necessary, but do it as gently as possible | |
FRONTI NVLLA FIDES | on the front no reliance [can be placed] | don't judge a book by its cover don't be misled by appearances |
GAVDEAMVS IGITVR | let us rejoice therefore | Biblical | |
HABEAS CORPVS | [that] you have the body | a legal writ requiring that the person being detained be brought before a judge to show cause and guard against unfair imprisonment; basis of British and American jurisprudence | |
HAEC OLIM MEMINISSE IVVABIT | time heals all things | i.e. wounds, offenses | |
HANNIBAL AD PORTAS | Hannibal is at the gates | the best colloquial translation in American English is regrettably, "the Russians are coming" | |
HIC ET NVNC | here and now | immediately | |
HOC EST VIVERE BIS VITA POSSE PRIORE FRVI | to live twice is to make useful profit from one's past | Experience is the best teacher, so learn from her | |
HOC VOLO SIC IVBEO SIT PRO RATIONE VOLVNTAS | this I will, thus I command, let [my] will [serve] as reason | ||
HODIE MIHI CRAS TIBI | today to me tomorrow to you | epitaph to remind reader of own mortality | |
HOMO DOCTVS IS SE SEMPER DIVITIAS HABET | a learned man always has wealth within himself | ||
HOMO LVPVS HOMINI | man [is a] wolf to man | man's inhumanity to man | |
HOSTIS HVMANI GENERIS | enemy of the human race | Saddam, for instance | |
IBIDEM | in the same place | abbreviated ibid. | |
ID EST | that is | abbreviated i.e. | |
IESV NAZARENVS REGIS IVDAEORVM | Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews | Roman inscription over Christ's cross, always abbreviated INRI | |
IGNIS AVREM PROBAT, MISERIA FORTES VIROS | fire tests gold, adversity [tests] strong men | Nietzsche: 'That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger' | |
IGNOTI NVLLA CVPIDO | no desire [exists] for [a thing] unknown | you can't want what you don't see | Why not to broadcast Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous in the Third World |
IN ARTICVLO MORTIS | in the grip of death | a deathbed statement carries special weight, also in extremis | |
IN BELLO PARVIS MOMENTIS MAGNI CASVS INTERCEDVNT | in war great events result from small causes | for want of a nail, a shoe was lost for want of a shoe, a horse was lost for want of a horse, a courier was lost for want of a courier, a battle was lost and so, the kingdom was lost |
armies win that screw up least, so pay attention to detail |
IN CAMERA | in chambers | judicial proceeding from which the public is excluded | |
IN CAVDA VENENVM | in the tail [is the] poison | watch out for what you don't see look beyond the obvious |
IN HOC SIGNO VINCES | by this sign you shall conquer | miraculous apparition to Emperor Constantine at the Battle of Milvian Bridge in 306 CE | |
IN LOCO PARENTIS | in place of parents | ||
IN MEDIA RES | into the midst of things | into the middle of the story doing something without background or preparation |
as opposed to ab ovo "from the egg" or ab initio "from the beginning" |
IN NOMINE PATRIS ET FILII ET SPIRITVS SANCTI | in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost | Biblical | |
IN SAECVLA SAECVLORVM | for ages of ages | forever | |
IN SITV | in place | ||
INSANVS OMNIS FVRERE CREDIT CETEROS | every madman thinks everybody else is mad | ||
IN VINO VERITAS | in wine [there is] truth | ||
IN TOTO | in total | i.e., without changes; all at once | |
INFRA DIGNITATEM | beneath [one's] dignity | ||
INTEGER VITAE | blameless of life | an honorable life | |
INTER ALIA | among other [things] | ||
INTERREGNVM | period between rules | anarchy, lawlessness | |
IPSA QVIDEM PRETIVM VIRTVS SIBI | virtue is its own reward | ||
IPSE DIXIT | he himself said so | assertion relying on personal authority, not fact | |
IPSO FACTO | by the fact itself | ||
IVS EST ARS BONI ET AEQVI | law is the art of the good and the just | ||
IVS GENTIVM | right of tribes | law of nations international law |
LAPSVS LINGVAE | slip of the tongue | ||
LAVDEM VIRTVTIS NECESSITATI DAMVS | we give to necessity the praise of virtue | finding the benefit in what's needful | |
LEX NON SCRIPTA | unwritten law | common law | English law based on custom |
LEX TALIONIS | the law of retaliation | an eye for an eye | |
LINGVA FRANCA | French tongue | the common or universal language | |
LVCVS A NON LVCENDO | a grove from the absence of light | a thing whose essence is the opposite of what its name suggests | an absurd etymology, e.g. ? or, Orwellian |
LVSVS NATVRAE | sport of nature | a freak | |
MAGNVM OPVS | great work | the major work of one's life | |
MAIOR E LONGINQVO REVERENTIA | greater reverence from afar | familiarity breeds contempt | nothing propinks like propinquity |
MALESVADA FAMES | persuading to evil | hunger that leads to crime | in French, jaquerie |
MEA CVLPA | my crime | my fault | |
MEDICE, CVRA TE IPSVM | physican heal thyself | also, take one's own advice | |
MEMENTO MORI | remember you must die | reminder of death, or a death's head | |
MENDACEM MEMOREM ESSE OPORTET | it is fitting that a liar [should be a man of good] memory | Robert Burns: 'Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we learn to deceive.' | |
MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO | a sound mind in a sound body | one cannot be sane without being healthy | |
MIRABILE DICTV | remarkable to say | ||
MIRABILE VISV | wonderful to see | ||
MOBILE VVLGVS | the moveable public | the fickle mob | |
MODVS OPERANDI | method of operation | abbreviated M.O. | |
MODVS VIVENDI | way of living [together] | ||
MORITVRI TE SALVTEMVS | we who are about to die salute you | traditional salute given to Roman emperors by gladiators in the arena before combat | |
MORS TVA, VITA MEA | your death, my life | you must die so that I can live | |
MORTVI NON MORDANT | dead [men] don't bite | dead men tell no tales | |
MVLTI SVNT VOCATI, PAVCI VERO ELECTI | many are called [but] few are chosen | ||
MVNDVS VVLT DECIPI | the world wishes to be deceived | there's a sucker born every minute | |
MVTATIS MVTANDIS | the things that ought to have changed having been changed | with the necessary substitutions having been made | |
NASCENTES MORIMVR | from the moment of birth we begin to die | ||
NATVRA NON FACIT SALTVM | nature makes no leaps | gradualism; however the discovery of the Dino Killer's footprint in Chixulub, Yucutan may have invalidated this seemingly sensible principle | |
NE CEDE MALIS | do not yield to misfortune | ||
NE PLVS VLTRA | not further beyond | a highest or furthest point | implicitly a suggestion to stay put or better yet go back, nowadays used incorrectly as a synonym for 'best' |
NE QVID NIMIS | nothing in excess | ||
NEC PLVRIBVS IMPAR | not unequal to most | a match for anyone | motto of Louis XIV of France "the Sun King"; good example of litote or understatement by which an affirmative thought is expressed by stating the negative of the contrary thought |
NEMO LIBER EST QVI CORPORI SERVIT | no one is free who is a slave to his body | ||
NEMO MALVS FELIX | no bad man [is] happy | no peace unto the wicked | |
NEMO ME IMPVNE LACESSIT | no one provokes me with impunity | back off or be sorry | |
NEMO REPENTE FVIT TVRPISSIMVS | no one ever became extremely wicked all of a sudden | ||
NIHIL AGENDO HOMINES MALE AGERE DISCVNT | by doing nothing men learn to act wickedly | or as the Bible says, idle hands are the Devil's workshop | |
NIL DESPERANDVM | nothing is to be despaired of | never say die | Yogi Berra: 'the game ain't over til it's over' |
NIL NOVI SVB SOLE | nothing new under the sun | is more about human nature than our inventions | |
NOLENS, VOLENS | [being] unwilling, willing | doing something you don't really want to do, willy-nilly, haphazardly | |
NOLI ME TANGERE | touch me not | spoken by Jesus to Mary Magdalen after his Resurrection a person or thing that can't be touched a warning to stay away or uninvolved |
NOLLE PROSEQVI | to wish not to proceed | procurator's statement abandoning the proceedings | |
NOLO CONTENDERE | I don't want to fight | equivalent to admission of guilt and subject to punishment, but allows legal option to deny charges later | |
NON BIS IN IDEM | not twice for the same thing | Latin proscription against double jeopardy in the courts | |
NON COMPOS MENTIS | not sound mind | insane, crazy | |
NON EST VIVERE SED VALERE VITA EST | life is not being alive but being well | ||
NON IGNARA MALI, MISERIS SVCCVRRERE DISCO | no stranger to misfortune [myself] I learn to relieve the sufferings [of others] | ||
NON MIHI, NON TIBI, SED NOBIS | not for you, not for me, but for us | the foundation of a good relationship | |
NON NOVA SED NOVE | not new things but newly | in a new way | |
NON OMNIA POSSVMVS OMNES | we cannot all do everything | no one can become an expert in everything | |
NON OMNIS MORIAR | I shall not [completely] die | Horace telling us that his works would live forever | |
NON SEMPER EA SVNT QVAE VIDENTVR | things are not always what they appear to be | see also non teneas aurum totum quod splendet ut auram | |
NON SEMPER ERIT AESTAS | [it] will not always be summer | make hay while the sun shines be prepared for hard times |
NON SEQVITVR | [it] does not follow | illogical, nonsense | |
NOTA BENE | note well | abbreviated N.B. | |
NOVVS HOMO | new man | but really means parvenu or nouveau riche or novy Russkii | |
NVDVM PACTVM | a nude pact | an invalid agreement | a contract with illusory benefits or without consideration hence unenforceable |
NVLLVM QVOD TETIGET NON ORNAVIT | he touched none he did not adorn | not simply 'the Midas touch', or 'he left things better than he found them', but a tribute to a Renaissance man | |
NVNC AVT NVNQVAM | now or never | ||
NVNC DIMITTIS | now let [thy servant] depart | generally any permission to go, specifically to express one's readiness to depart or die | |
NVNC PRO TVNC | now for then | retroactive | |
OBITER DICTVM | [thing] said by the way | parenthetical remark | |
OBSTA PRINCIPIIS | resist the beginnings | nip it in the bud a stitch in time saves nine an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure |
don't wait for something to get worse before fixing it |
ODERINT DVM METVANT | [let] them hate while they fear | let them hate me as long as they fear me | could have been Lavrentiy Pavlovich's [Beria's] personal motto |
OLEVM ADDERE CAMINO | to pour fuel on the stove | adding gasoline to a fire to make a bad thing worse to aggravate the situation |
OLEVM PERDISTI | you have lost oil | you've wasted your time on this | criticism for a misallocation of resources |
OMNE IGNOTVM PRO MAGNIFICO EST | everything unknown is thought to be magnificent | 'the grass is greener on the other side of the fence' | but also, everything unknown is thought to be more difficult than it really is |
OMNES DETERIORES SVMVS LICENTIA | too much freedom debases us | ||
OMNE TRINVM EST PERFECTVM | everything [in] threes is perfect | old proverb reflecting the mystical power of the number three; source of the doctrine of the Trinity? | |
OMNE TVLIT PVNCTVM QVI MISCVIT VTILE DVLCI | [he] has gained every point who has combined [the] useful [with the] agreeable | ||
OMNIA MVTANTVR NOS ET MVTAMVR IN ILLIS | all things change and we change with them | ||
OPERE CITATO | in the work cited | scholarly footnote, abbreviated op. cit. | |
ORATVR FIT, POETA NASCITVR | an orator is made [but] a poet is born | ||
O TEMPORES, O MORES! | Oh the times, oh the customs! | these are bad times | |
PANEM ET CIRCENSES | bread and circuses | nowadays, welfare and TV | |
PAR PARE REFERO | I return like for like | tit for tat | retaliation |
PARES CVM PARIBVS | like persons with like persons | birds of a feather flock together people will seek out their own kind |
PARI PASSV | with equal pace | ||
PARTVRIENT MONTES, NASCETVR RIDICVLVS MVS | mountains will be in labor [and a] ridiculous mouse will be born | all that work and nothing to show for it | |
PARVA LEVES CAPIVNT ANIMAS | small things sieze light minds | petty things for petty minds | |
PASSIM | here and there | ||
PATRIS EST FILIVS | he is his father's son | 'chip off the old block' | see also qualis pater talis filius |
PAVPERTAS OMNIVM ARTIVM REPERTRIX | poverty [is the] inventor of all the arts | necessity is the mother of invention | |
PAX VOBISCVM | [may] peace [be] with you | ||
PECCAVI | I have sinned | the shortest and cleverest military dispatch of all time, see also Caesar's veni vidi vici. British general Sir Charles Napier wrote the single word peccavi as a pun to communicate his victory at the city of Miani in the Indian region of Sindh in 1843, i.e. 'I have Sindh.' | |
PECVNIAE OBEDIVNT OMNIA | all things obey money | money makes the world go round | |
PECVNIA NON OLET | money doesn't smell | 'don't look a gift horse in the mouth' | |
PENETRALIA MENTIS | the innermost recesses of the mind | 'heart of hearts' | |
PER ACRIA BELLI | through the harshness [better: bitterness or savagery] of war | ||
PER DIEM | by the day | as opposed to a fixed price, nowadays used to mean the daily living allowance on business travel | |
PER FAS ET NEFAS | through right or wrong | ||
PER IMPOSSIBILE | as is impossible | a way to qualify a proposition that cannot ever be true | |
PER SE | by itself | ||
PERICVLVM IN MORA | danger in delay | ||
PERMITTE DIVIS CETERA | [when you have done all that is prudent] leave the rest to the gods | 'you pays your money and you takes your chances' | |
PERSONA NON GRATA | person not pleasing | or unwelcome person | a declaration used in diplomacy prior to deporting someone, occasionally abbreviated P.N.G. |
PLVRES CRAPVLA QVAM GLADIVS | drunkeness [kills] more than the sword | as true today on the road as it ever was | |
PONS ASINORVM | bridge of asses | bridge of fools | an insoluble problem |
PONTIFEX MAXIMVS | great bridge-builder | high priest | more specifically the Bishop of Rome, i.e. the Pope |
POSSE COMITATVS | the power of a county | "posse" as in American Western movies, a group of people enlisted on the spot by the law to pursue a criminal | also means the proscription in America against the use of the military for internal police matters, from 1878. |
POSSVNT QVIA POSSE VIDENTVR | they can because they seem to be able to | the appearance of power bestows power | also, perception of power can be as important as the power itself |
POST EQVITEM SEDET ATRA CVRA | behind the horseman sits black care | no one is free of worry | |
POST HOC ERGO PROPTER HOC | after this therefore because of this | a logical fallacy; things that follow one another are not always related | |
POST MORTEM | after death | nowadays, the autopsy performed by a coroner | |
POST PARTVM | after childbirth | ||
POST SCRIPTVM | written afterward | abbreviated P.S. | |
POTIVS MORI QVAM FOEDARI | rather to die than to be dishonored | death before dishonor | old Roman mother's sendoff: with your shield or on it |
PRAEMONITVS, PRAEMVNITVS | forewarned [is] forearmed | ||
PRIMA FACIE | on the face of it | in law, an obvious case that requires no further proof | |
PRIMVS INTER PARES | first among equals | a paradox meaning leader of a council or oligarchy | |
PRO BONO PVBLICO | for the public good | nowadays means not charging for services, abbrev. pro bono | |
PRO FORMA | for form | but not in reality | meaningless formality |
PRO RATA | in proportion | ||
PRO TEMPORE | for time | temporarily | abbrev. pro tem |
PROBITAS LAVDATVR ET ALGET | virtue is praised [and then] left to freeze | society approves of goodness but won't reward it | |
PROPRIVM HVMANI INGENII EST ODISSE QVEM LAESERIS | [it is] human nature to hate a person whom you have injured | ||
PROSIT | may it benefit you | a drinking toast which has passed unchanged to the German prosit | |
QVAE NOCENT DOCENT | things that hurt, teach | 'School of Hard Knocks' | |
QVAERENDA PECVNIA PRIMVM EST, VIRTVS POST NVMMOS | money is the first thing to be sought [then] virtue after wealth | another motto for the oligarchs, apparently | |
QVALIS ARTIFEX PEREO | such an artist dies in me | Emperor Nero's famous last words, or novissimus verba | |
QVALIS PATER TALIS FILIVS | like father like son | 'the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree' | |
QVANDOQVE BONVS DORMITAT HOMERVS | sometimes [even the] good Homer sleeps | you win some, you lose some | |
QVEM DI DILIGVNT, ADOLSECENS MORITVR | whom the gods love dies young | 'only the good die young' | |
QVI BENE AMAT BENE CASTIGAT | who loves well castigates well | 'spare the rod and spoil the child' 'honesty is the best policy' |
QVI DESIDERAT PACEM PRAEPARAT BELLVM | who desires peace [should] prepare [for] war | antecedent of the U.S. Air Force Strategic Air Command motto: 'Peace is our profession'. | |
QVI DOCENT DISCIT | [he] who teaches, learns | Truer words were never spoken, George Bernard Shaw notwithstanding. See also qui scribit bis legit. | |
QVI FVGIEBAT RVRSVS PROELIABITVR | [he] who has fled will do battle once more | 'he who fights and runs away may live to fight another day' 'discretion is the better part of valor' |
but this advice cuts both ways, as in 'don't let your enemies escape alive'. It would seem that Stalin wasn't listening to the Romans when he penned Order No. 227 ('ne shagu nazad!'). |
QVI ME AMAT, AMAT ET CANEM MEAM | who loves me loves my dog as well | 'love me love my dog' you must take me as I am |
QVI NESCIT DISSIMVLARE NESCIT REGNARE | [he] who doesn't know how to lie doesn't know how to rule | ||
QVI SCRIBIT BIS LEGIT | [he] who writes reads twice | ||
QVI TACET CONSENTIT | [he] who remains silent consents | principle behind the statute of limitations in civil law | |
QVI TIMIDE ROGAT DOCET NEGARE | he who asks timidly teaches to refuse | he who asks timidly invites refusal | |
QVID FACIENDVM? | what is to be done? | One of Lenin's works, no? | |
QVID NOVI? | what's new? | 'what's up?' 'what's happening?' |
Irish 'what's the rumpus?' |
QVID PRO QVO | something for something | an [even] exchange | |
QVIS CVSTODIET IPSOS CVSTODES | who will guard those selfsame guardians? | 'don't assign a fox to guard the henhouse' | the perennial question in civics, see nil novis sub solus |
QVOD CIBVS EST ALIIS, ALIIS EST VENENVM | what is food to some is poison to others | 'one man's meat is another poison' 'one man's garbage is another man's treasure' |
QVOD CITO ACQVIRITVR CITO PERIT | [that] which is quickly acquired [is] quickly lost | 'easy come, easy go' | |
QVOD ERAT DEMONSTRANDVM | [that] which has been demonstrated | a statement of logical proof, especially in mathematics and law, abbreviated Q.E.D. | |
QVOD VIVE | which see | a scholarly cross-reference, abbreviated q.v. | |
QVOMODO VALES? | what way [are] you going? | Roman greeting, see also salve | |
QVONDAM | former | ||
QVOS DEVS VVLT PERDERE PRIVS DEMENTAT | whom God wishes to destroy he first makes mad | ||
QVO VADIS? | whither goest thou? | Biblical; similar translation to above, but philosophical not a greeting | |
RADIX OMNIVM MALORVM EST CVPIDITAS | the love of money is the root of all evil | note: not the money itself, nor the vegetable 'radish' | |
RARA AVIS | rare bird | extraordinary, a special or unique person | |
REDDITE QVAE SVNT CAESARIS CAESARI, ET QVAE SVNT DEI DEO | render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, unto God that which is God's | basis of separation of Church and State in the West, a lesson Muslims have yet to learn | |
REDIME TE CAPTVM, QVAM QVEAS MINIMO | pay when taken prisoner as little as you can [to buy] your [freedom] | only give the enemy your name, rank, and serial number | |
REDOLET LVCERNAM | [it] smells of the lamp | critical remark that one worked too hard on something, or too late the night before | |
REDVCTIO AD ABSVRDVM | reduction to absurdity | take to the extreme | a form of logical argument |
REPENTE DIVES NEMO FACTVS EST BONVS : | no one rich is made suddenly good | another motto more the noviye Russkiye | |
REQVIESCAT IN PACE | rest in peace | epitaph on a gravestone, or generally an indication that someone has died, abbreviated R.I.P. | |
RES IN CARDINE EST | the matter is on a door hinge | things are balanced on a knife's edge things can go either way we're in a crisis |
RES INTER ALIOS | a matter between others | it's not our business | |
RES IPSA LOQVITVR | the thing speaks for itself | the facts are obvious or beyond dispute | |
RES PVBLICA | the affairs of the people | basis of the word 'republic', and unchanged in Russian | |
RESPONDEAT SVPERIOR | let the superior answer | 'the buck stops here' | principle of accountability |
REX NON POTEST PECCARE | the king cannot sin | ||
SALVS VBI MVLTI CONSILIARII | [there is] safety where [there are] many advisors | two heads are better than one | not an apology for bureaucratic dilution of blame |
SANCTVM SANCTORVM | holy of holies | most private, off limits | |
SAPIENS NIHIL AFFIRMAT QVOD NON PROBAT | a wise man affirms nothing which he does not prove | good advice for a student, or for the nation in a crisis | |
SCIENTIA EST POTENTIA | knowledge is power | ||
SENATVS POPVLVSQVE ROMANVS | the Senate and the people of Rome | official Roman inscription meaning by the authority of the Roman Empire, usually on military standards, abbreviated SPQR | |
SEMPER FIDELIS | always faithful | also semper fi motto of the United States Marine Corps | |
SI REQUIRIS MONUMENTUM CIRCUMSPICE | If you need [to see] a monument [to them][just] look around [yourself] | Medieval Latin; anonymous; epitaph to those who have built great things in the real world | |
SIC | thus | editorial remark in square brackets [sic] used to indicate a verbatim quote or record without correcting the spelling or grammar | |
SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS | thus always to tyrants | a statement often accompanying a regicide | |
SIC TRANSIT GLORIA MVNDI | so passes the glory of the world | usually said at the end or fall of some great thing | |
SINE DIE | without a day | closed for indefinite period | |
SINE QVA NON | without which not | the necessary or indispensable element | |
SISTE VIATOR | wait, traveler | inscription on Roman tombstones | |
SIT TIBI TERRA LEVIS | may the earth be light upon you | another tombstone epitaph | |
SOTTO VOCE | in soft voice | ||
SPECTATVM VENIVNT, VENIVNT SPECTENTVR VT IPSAE | they come to see, they come that they themselves be seen | 'to see and be seen' | |
STATVS QVO | state of affairs [now] | ||
STATVS QVO ANTE | state of affairs before [now] | ||
STVLTORVM CALAMI CARBONES MOENIA CHARTAE | chalk [is] the pen of fools, the walls [their ] paper | the perennial problem of graffiti and vandalism, (or today's equivalent, spam and computer viruses - see asinorum calami virii et spama, Retus chartae) | |
SVB POENA | under penalty | ||
SVB ROSA | under the rose | in confidence, secret | |
SVI GENERIS | of its own kind | unique one of a kind not to be treated the regular way |
SVMMVM IVS, SVMMVM INIVRIA | extreme law, extreme injustice | a lesson for Inspector Javert | |
TABVLA RASA | erased tablet | empty blank a clean slate |
a mind ready for knowledge, a computer ready for programming |
TE NOSCE | know thyself | ||
TEMPVS EDAX RERVM | time [the] devourer of all [things] | ||
TEMPVS FVGIT | time flies | ||
TEMPVS OMNIA REVELAT | time reveals all [things] | not according to the Official Secrets Act | |
TENERE LVPVM AVRIBVS | to hold a wolf by the ears | to deal boldly with danger | |
TERRA FIRMA | solid ground | ||
TERRA INCOGNITA | unknown territory | ||
TIMEO DANAOS ET DONA FERENTES | I fear [the] Greeks and the gifts they bear | famous warning ignored by the Trojans, source of phrase 'Trojan horse' | |
TV QVOQVE | you also | response to an accusation or insult | |
VBI BENE IBI PATRIA | where there is good there is my fatherland | I owe my allegiance to the country in which I prosper | or as Lenin would say, vote with your feet |
VBI SOLITVDINEM FACIVNT PACEM APPELLANT | where they create a desert, they call it peace | 'we had to destroy the village in order to save it' | from the Third Punic War in which Carthage was destroyed; in general a criticism of militarism |
VLTIMA RATIO REGVM | the final argument of kings | motto of Louis XIV on his cannon | |
VLTIMA THVLE | beyond Thule | the end of the earth | |
VLTRA VIRES | beyond [one's] authority | outside the jurisdiction above one's pay grade |
VNA SALVS VICTIS NVLLAM SPERARE SALVTEM | the one safety for the vanquished is to abandon hope of safety | hopelessness gives courage | |
VRBI ET ORBI | to the city [of Rome] and to the world | preface of Papal documents | |
VTI POSSIDETIS | as you possess | possession is nine tenths of the law | we stole it fair and square; all property deeds can ultimately be traced to right of conquest |
VADE IN PACE | go in peace | Roman goodbye | |
VADI MECVM | come with me | guide or handbook | |
VAE VICTIS | woe to the vanquished | it's tough to be the loser | |
VALE | be well | Roman goodbye | |
VANITAS VANITATVM, OMNIS VANITAS | vanity of vanities, all is vanity | everything man does is in vain | |
VENI VIDI VICI | I came, I saw, I conquered | Caesar's pithy remark to the Roman Senate about his victory at Pontus | |
VERBA VOLANT, SCRIPTA MANENT | spoken words fly away, written words remain | 'get it in writing' | because verbal contracts get you verbal benefits |
VERBVM SAPIENTI SAT | a word to the wise is enough | a verbal warning prior to real punishment | |
VERITAS VOS LIBERABIT | the truth shall set you free | motto of the C.I.A. | |
VIDELICET | it is permitted to see | to wit; namely |
abbreviated viz. |
VINCIT QVI SE VINCIT | he conquers who conquers himself | ||
VIRTVS PROBATA FLORESCIT | manly excellence in trial flourishes | ||
VIRTVTIS FORTVNA COMES | good luck is the companion of courage | ||
VIS CONSILI EXPERS MOLE RVIT SVA | force without wise counsel falls by its own weight | discretion is the better part of valor | |
VIS INERTIAE | the power of inertia | why things never change | |
VIVE HODIE | live today [not tomorrow] | ||
VIVE VT VIVAS | live that you may live | ||
VIXERE FORTES ANTE AGAMEMNONA | brave men lived before Agamemnon | heroism exists even if it's not recorded we don't have a monopoly on good |
VOLENS ET POTENS | willing and able | as opposed to volo non valeo | |
VOLENTI NON FIT INIVRIA | to a willing [person] no injury [is] made | it's not a crime between consenting adults | |
VOLVPTATES COMMENDAT RARIOR VSVS | infrequent use commends pleasure | moderation in all things | |
VOX CLAMANTIS IN DESERTO | voice crying in the desert | voice in the wilderness | unheeded warning, an opinion not in the mainstream |
VOX ET PRAETEREA NIHIL | a voice and nothing more | an empty threat | |
VOX POPVLI, VOX DEI | the voice of the people [is] the voice of God | democracy is divinely ordained | ignore the will of the people at your peril |
1. Beard, Henry, Latin for All Occasions, (HarperCollins, New York: 1992).
2. Blume and Freundlich, Review Text in Latin: Two Years (Amsco School Publications, New York: 1959).
3. Ehrlich, Eugene, Amo, Amas, Amat and More (Harper & Row, New York: 1987).
4. ed. Fargis & Bykofsky & Gold, et al The New York Public Library Desk Reference 2nd edition, (Prentice Hall, New York: 1993).
5. Hammond and Amory, Aeneas to Augustus: A Beginning Latin Reader for College Students 2nd edition, (Harvard U. P., Cambridge: 1967).
6. Hanson & Heath, Who Killed Homer? (Free Press, New York: 1998).
7. Humez & Humez, Latin for People/Latina pro Populo (Little, Brown & Co., Boston: 1976).
8. Jones & Wilson An Incomplete Education (Ballantine Books, New York: 1987).
9. Smith, F. Kinchin Latin: A Complete Course for Beginners 9th printing, (David McKay, New York: 1948).
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