opening screen of Russ in Space 10.4K

Opening screen shot

Table of Contents of the Russians in Space CD-ROM


1. XVIIIth and XIXth Centuries

2. Giants of Cosmonautics

3. Jet Propulsion Research Institute, the World's First

4. Unknown Names

5. Chief Designers

6. Those Who Made Rockets Fly

7. They Taught Rockets to Fly


1. The Soviet Thrust into Outer Space

2. First Sputniks

3. The Lunar Program

4. Vostok - Voskhod - Soyuz

5. The Soviet Space Vehicle of the Shuttle Type


1.The History of Military Rocketry

2. The Head and Source

3. Artificial Earth Satellites

4. Research Programs

5. Spy Satellites

6. Piloted Programs

7. Orbital Stations

8. The Energia is Off

9. Ground Control


1. The Solar System

2. Cosmic Velocities

3. The Plesetsk Cosmodrome (interactive atlas)

4. Landing on Venus (computer graphic animation)

5. Booster Rockets

6. Spacesuits

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